Tuesday, September 5, 2017

New Zealand Poisonous Spiders

New Zealand Poisonous Spiders

New Zealand is situated in the pacific ocean in the southern hemisphere, it’s a very small country with about 4 ½ million people. New Zealand has 3 different types of poisonous spiders. The Katipo, Red Back, and White-Tail. The White-Tail and Red Back were both originally from Australia while the Katipo (Night-Stinger) is native to New Zealand.

To cut these down into finer detail here’s some more information on the Katipo, Red Back & White-Tail.

The Katipo Spider (Night-Stinger) is a poisonous spider that is native to New Zealand, it’s scientific name is the Latrodectus Katipo.
The female Katipo have black rounded bodies, slender legs and a white bordered red stripe on their back with a red hourglass mark underneath, While the adult Males and Juveniles are black and white but are smaller than the female Katipo.
The Katipo lives in beach grasses and other vegetation, small stones, driftwood and debris like empty cans, bottles etc.

Red Back
The Red Back is a poisonous spider that was originally from Australia but transferred here to New Zealand, it’s scientific name is the Latrodectus Hasseti.
The female Red Back spider has a black rounded body, slender legs with a white-bordered orange to red jagged stripe on their back and a red hourglass mark underneath, While adult males are more slender with a cream colored abdomen with brown stripes and Juveniles have white markings on the abdomen.

The Red Back spider can be found on the underside of ledges, stone overhangs and other vegetation. They are more likely than the Katipo to make their thimble-shaped webs near houses to take advantage of the warm environment.

The White-Tail is a poisonous spider and  just like the Red Back it was originally from Australia.
There are 2 different types of White-Tails the lampona murina & the lampona cylindrata.
The White-Tail is a distinct creature with a dark body and a white patch at the end of their cylindrical/cigar shaped abdomen. The males and Juveniles have white patches as well as white tails.

The White-Tail can be found in vegetation in gardens and bush, and around houses, which they like for the warmth. And unlike other spiders the White-Tail does not build webs.

Monday, August 7, 2017

The Maori Cheif

LG: Use a variety of precise word and phrases to add info, enhance meaning and /or add mood to a character.
SOS: Use technical language and phrases.
         Use a variety of descriptive language techniques
         Use direct speech
         Use verbs and adverbs to describe how someone is doing something or saying something

The Maori Chief

As I walk past the rattling bushes leaves crushed under my feet, everything was peaceful until a mysterious man jumps out. Sweat starts to roll down my face as his brown beedy eyes stare into mine. My body starts trembling he stood there right in front of me as still as a statue. His dark hair glistened in the sunlight as his grey feathery cloak danced with the wind, his hand gripping onto his wooden taiaha.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

LG: Use a variety of precise words and phrases to add info, enhance meaning and or/ add mood to a character.
SOS:  Use technical language and phrases
Use a variety of descriptive language techniques
Use direct speech
Use verbs and adverbs to describe how someone is doing something or saying something

As I walked in the room my body was shaking, everyone was staring at me. A drop of sweat rolls down my face onto the floor as I sit down at the table I looked up at everyone still staring at me, blood rushing through my body as butterflies fly around rapidly through my stomach.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Persuasive Writing.

LG: To be able to persuade others to our point of view through writing.
  • Plan your writing carefully so that it has and introduction, body and conclusion.
  • Make sure that each paragraph begins with a main point and is backed up by evidence or detail.
  • Make sure that the argument is based around facts and contains vocabulary that is appropriate to the audience.
  • Point of view is clear throughout writing.

I strongly believe, that having a sibling is way better than being an only child.

In my opinion, having a sibling is the best, because if you have siblings you’ll never get bored, for instance you can either hang out with them, talk to them or even annoy them instead of staying locked up in your room watching Tv or playing games on your phone.

I personally think that, the best reason to have a sibling is to blame things on them, for example if you break something very valuable and you know you’ll get in big trouble you can just blame it on your sibling and that way you will always stay the favorite child.

Most people would agree that using your siblings stuff can be very useful, especially if it’s clothes, because older siblings have very stylish clothes and of they don’t let you just take it! They’ll never know, unless it's one of their favorites.

Furthermore, having a sibling can be fun and useful because you can hangout with them whenever you're bored, blame stuff on them if you don’t want to get in trouble (which is all the time) and you can also use their stuff whenever you want so there are 3 incredibly good reason why having siblings are the best!

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Noah's Ark

In my opinion, I should be put on the ark, because I'm a magical creature that can provide food and fresh drinking water for you and the animals,so we all don’t die of starvation and dehydration.

I strongly believe, that I need a place on the ark because, I have a magical unicorn horn that can help me protect the other animals from terrifying sea creatures, like sharks and killer whales that are trying to destroy the ark or kill the animals for food, I can even put a powerful force field around the ark when there is a storm to stop the ark from tipping over like the titanic.

Most people would agree that I should definitely be on the ark, because when it’s a cold or windy night I can make a magical fire that will never go out so it will always be there to keep everyone nice and warm.

Image result for unicornFinally, my last reason is that … I’M JUST AWESOME! Like come on who wouldn’t want a unicorn as a companion to help cook food, be safe and even be warm on cold and windy nights.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Historical Dairy Entry

April 25th 1915

‘’BANG’’ guns fired as a hopped out of the landing boat, the first thing I did was trudge up the steep, rugged hills ready to back up the Aussies on the battlefield , I stepped inside and all that I saw were soldiers firing guns, empty bullet shells and dead decomposed bodies lying in front of me, just looking at the revolting view made me sick knowing that I could be like that in just a few days.

After we reach the trenches ready to take orders from Lieutenant (Spencer) Westmacott, he said ‘’ shoot em in the stomach and get a man for every bullet you fire!’’. Just the thought of killing another human gave me shivers, but I had to be strong to protect my country and my family, I finally gained the courage to step foot on the battlefield and fight for my country when I got there I only saw the splatter of blood on everything and the screaming of dying soldiers filled the putrid air.

Ready to protect my country from the turks I shot my first bullet it flew through the air and ‘’BANG’’  it shot someone behind enemy lines, I was just about to celebrate but I remembered that I had to stay quiet so that the turks wouldn't spot me.

I was half deaf after the turks shower of bullets the sound of screaming and crying soldiers filled the air at that dreadful moment, about over 650  NZ casualties in less than a day, it was completely and utterly horrible.

As the darkness was setting upon us the quiet whispers of soldiers pleading and praying filled the room I was sleeping in, before I dozed off into a not so peaceful slumber I prayed to god to keep me and the rest of the soldiers safe during this frightening time in our lives.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Diary Entry

Sunday 19th March 2017

It was a bright, sunny morning my family and I got ready to go house shopping, we went over to Ariel street and found a lovely house with a sleepout and beautiful flowery wallpaper all around the walls, but the only problem was the carpet, it had rips and stains that the old owners couldn’t get rid of so we didn’t even think of buying the house, it took us half an hour to look at other houses but none of them interested us and the ones that did catch our eye were already sold, so we went home disappointed until our friends next door told us they were moving to auckland and selling their house I Was so excited but not as excited as my Mum she was already negotiating to get the price lower.