Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Persuasive Writing.

LG: To be able to persuade others to our point of view through writing.
  • Plan your writing carefully so that it has and introduction, body and conclusion.
  • Make sure that each paragraph begins with a main point and is backed up by evidence or detail.
  • Make sure that the argument is based around facts and contains vocabulary that is appropriate to the audience.
  • Point of view is clear throughout writing.

I strongly believe, that having a sibling is way better than being an only child.

In my opinion, having a sibling is the best, because if you have siblings you’ll never get bored, for instance you can either hang out with them, talk to them or even annoy them instead of staying locked up in your room watching Tv or playing games on your phone.

I personally think that, the best reason to have a sibling is to blame things on them, for example if you break something very valuable and you know you’ll get in big trouble you can just blame it on your sibling and that way you will always stay the favorite child.

Most people would agree that using your siblings stuff can be very useful, especially if it’s clothes, because older siblings have very stylish clothes and of they don’t let you just take it! They’ll never know, unless it's one of their favorites.

Furthermore, having a sibling can be fun and useful because you can hangout with them whenever you're bored, blame stuff on them if you don’t want to get in trouble (which is all the time) and you can also use their stuff whenever you want so there are 3 incredibly good reason why having siblings are the best!


  1. hi angela i like the way your point of view was clear and all your paragraphs started with a persuasive sentence starter your next step is to add more punctuation

  2. You used capital letters
    You used punctuation

  3. i like the way your point of view is clear your next step is to add more punctuation
