Sunday, March 26, 2017

Historical Dairy Entry

April 25th 1915

‘’BANG’’ guns fired as a hopped out of the landing boat, the first thing I did was trudge up the steep, rugged hills ready to back up the Aussies on the battlefield , I stepped inside and all that I saw were soldiers firing guns, empty bullet shells and dead decomposed bodies lying in front of me, just looking at the revolting view made me sick knowing that I could be like that in just a few days.

After we reach the trenches ready to take orders from Lieutenant (Spencer) Westmacott, he said ‘’ shoot em in the stomach and get a man for every bullet you fire!’’. Just the thought of killing another human gave me shivers, but I had to be strong to protect my country and my family, I finally gained the courage to step foot on the battlefield and fight for my country when I got there I only saw the splatter of blood on everything and the screaming of dying soldiers filled the putrid air.

Ready to protect my country from the turks I shot my first bullet it flew through the air and ‘’BANG’’  it shot someone behind enemy lines, I was just about to celebrate but I remembered that I had to stay quiet so that the turks wouldn't spot me.

I was half deaf after the turks shower of bullets the sound of screaming and crying soldiers filled the air at that dreadful moment, about over 650  NZ casualties in less than a day, it was completely and utterly horrible.

As the darkness was setting upon us the quiet whispers of soldiers pleading and praying filled the room I was sleeping in, before I dozed off into a not so peaceful slumber I prayed to god to keep me and the rest of the soldiers safe during this frightening time in our lives.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Angela.
    I liked how your story was well descripted. I also liked your vocabulary. Your next step is to add your sos and lg so we know what to base your comments on.
