Tuesday, November 15, 2016

The Majestic Tui

LG: To be able to write a report clearly including information we think will interest others.
Signs Of 
* To include an introduction, body and conclusion to my report
*Include subheadings
*Include descriptive verbs
*Include subject specific nouns
*Use present tense

The Majestic Tui

The Tui is a majestic creature that is endemic to New Zealand, endemic mean that it is native to this country. This bird is mostly found in the North Island or in a Kowhai tree munching on some flowers, it’s well known for is magnificent singing.

The Tui has beautiful blue colored feathers but they look black from certain angles and dull in normal lighting but in the sunshine their feathers glisten with green,purple and bronze, Tui’s also have dark brown eyes and 2 poi on their neck. The poi on the Tui’s neck aren't just balls of fluff but are actually 2 curled up feathers. Both genders are alike to recognize a male from a female is very difficult males are larger in size and females are
darker and lack neck tuff. A long time ago the early Europeans named the Tui a Parson’s bird because their poi reminded them of a Vicar’s collar.

The Tui’s diet depends on the seasonal availability of nectar and fruits. The Tui’s move frequently to good nectar sources like Puriri and Pohutukawa. In breeding season the Tui eats large invertebrates like cicadas and stick insects, in autumn they eat medium sized fruit Wineberries, Kaikomako, Mahoe, Ngaio, Rimu and Kahikatea. In winter they eat Flowering gums, Banksis, Puriri and Tree lucerne.

The Tui lives in the North and South Island of New Zealand and in Stewart, Chatham and the Poor Knights Island not many Tui’s live in the Poor knights Island because Tui’s and Bellbirds have to fight over the nectar and pollen. Tui’s also like to nest in Kowhai trees, small bushes and shaded areas, they also like to hang out near food and water suppliers.

Did you know that the length of an average sized Tui is 30 cm, and the weight of an average sized female is 90 kg and a male is 124 kgs.

Written By: Angela Lumanglas
Room: 4

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

How To Make Leche Flan (Filipino Dessert)

LG: To create a piece of writing that instructs (Procedural).

Signs Of
* Include A Title
*List Of Materials
*Steps In Order
*Use Order Words( first, then, next before, finally etc)
*Use Bossy Verbs
(brush, cover, cut, glue etc).

How To Make Leche Flan (Filipino Dessert)

Goal: How To Make The Famous Pinoy Dessert Leche Flan.

Ingredients You Will Need:
  • Water
  • 1 ½ Cup of Chelsea White Sugar
  • 8 Farmer Brown Eggs
  • 1 Can of Nestle Highlander Condensed Milk
  • 1 Can of Nestle Carnation Evaporated Milk
  • 1 Tsp of Hansells Vanilla
  • Steamer
  • Cake Tin

Step #1.
First grab your 1 ½ cup of Chelsea White Sugar, and pour into a Pot/Pan on medium high heat, until the sugar has melted and turns into a golden brown color. Then pour the caramelized sugar in a Cake Tin.

Step #2
Next pour your water in a steamer to boil, while waiting for the water to simmer, mix all the ingredients together for the flan. Put 8 Farmer Brown Eggs in the bowl (Make sure to only use the egg yolks in this recipe) and stir gently using a whisk, Then add your evaporated and condensed milk, make sure to mix well after mixing add the Vanilla.

Step #3
Now use a slim cloth to strain the mixture so it’s nice and sleek when cooked.

Step #4
After straining the mixture drizzle your mixture in the Cake Tin with the caramelized sugar and cover with some tin foil then put in the steamer and steam for 45-50 minutes.

Step #5
Before you serve the dessert insert a toothpick into the Leche Flan, If the toothpick comes out clean that means your dessert is cooked, after that set your dessert aside to cool down.

Step #6
Finally serve your dessert and enjoy the sweet flavour of the Leche Flan.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Step By Step Guide To Looking Afetr Your Dog!

LG: To create a piece of writing that instructs (Procedural).

Signs Of
* Include A Title
*List Of Materials
*Steps In Order
*Use Order Words
( first, then, next before, finally etc)
*Use Bossy Verbs
(brush, cover, cut, glue etc).

Step By Step Guide To Looking
After Your Dog.
Goal: How To Look After Your Dog.

Gear Needed:
  • Pedigree Dog Food
  • Dog Kennel/Cage
  • A Leash/Lead
  • A Collar
  • Fresh Water
  • Food And Water Bowls
  • And Toys

Step #1.
First of all put your Dog's Collar on its neck make sure it's not too tight or too loose.

Step #2.
Next grab your 2 bowls and fill 1 of them some cold and fresh water then pour some Pedigree Dog Food in the bowl and place them somewhere outside.

Step #3.
Now make sure you take your dog for a walk everyday so it can stay healthy (don’t forget to put a leash on your dog so it won’t run away!!).

Step #4.
After you have taken your Dog for a walk accumulate some Dog Toys and make sure you show him/some affection so your Dog won’t feel left out.

Step #5.
Finally when your dog is feeling exhausted take him/her to a nice and quiet place with a Dog Bed or a Normal Bed and leave them to sleep.

Written By: Angel Lumanglas
Rm: 4
Year: 6

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

The Holiday Cube

The Holiday Cube
LG: We are learning to recount on exciting events so that our reader knows what happened and how you felt.

The Pink Square represents the lousics Raspberry Slushi that's freezing cold and swirls around slowly in the orange Slushi Machine.

Blue , Orange And Yellow
The Blue, Orange and Yellow Squares represents the soft rubber covered barrier guarding the small black trampolines.

The Green Square represents the bright, wavy Grass swaying outside the building of Mega Bounce.

The Purple Square represents the small, squishy foam blocks living inside the huge and deep foam pit.

By: Angel Lumanglas
Year: 6
Rm: 4

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Kermit The Frog

LG: To describe a character in a way that builds a picture in our readers head.
Success Criteria:
* To use precise vocabulary. (Adjectives,Verbs,Adverbs)
* To describe looks and actions.

Kermit The Frog

As you can see this is Kermit, Kermit is a lime green Frog, he also has a light green upside down Crown like Collar around his Neck and long skinny Limbs that are the size of a stick. Buuuuut... at the moment he doesn't look very good he looks like an old, shriveled up, green Raisin that has been left in the middle of the Road. This all happened in the morning Kermit was look all fancy and ready for his next shoot for the Muppet Movie, as Kermit was driving in his Limo someone suddenly crashed into Kermit and he was flying out the Limo and Kermit landed in the middle of the Road then the Paparazzi came and took photos for the News.

Written By: Angela Lumanglas
Room: 4

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Helping With The House Work

Helping With Th House Work

Jobs I Did:
• Vacuum The Floor
• Do The Dishes
• Make My Sister Milk
• Clean The Garage 


I Vacuumed the floor first and then did the dishes it was disgusting.
I made my sisters milk by measuring how much water I put into the bottle then I added 3 scoops of
powdered milk into the bottle and shaked well.
I cleaned the garage by sweeping the floor and arranging all the boxes and brica brac.

I Learned that cleaning takes lots of skill and effort to do you must do it right and be carful.

Thursday, August 4, 2016



Narwhal Narwhals Swimming in the Ocean Causing a Commotion Cause they are so AWESOME!!!!!!!!
I bet after singing that song you're wondering ''What in the world is a Narwhal?!'' well I'll tell you so just sit back, relax and enjoy.

The Narwhal also known as the Unicorn of the sea have two teeth one grows to be a sword like, spiral tusk that grows to be 2.7 meters long, and the other tooth also known as the ivory tusk grows straight through the Narwhals upper lip and can grow to be 9 feet long. A Narwhal changes color as they age Newborns are a blue-gray an Adolescent id blue and black Adults are molten gray and old Narwhals are nearly all white, Narwhals also have compact eyes and a long ridge going down to their backs to their tails or ''flukes''.

Narwhals are a pale-colored porpoise found in Arctic Coastal water and rivers, they can also be found living in the cold waters of the Arctic Circle near Northern Canada, Greenland, Norway and Russia. Narwhals hibernate for up to five months under sea ice in the Baffin Bay-Davis area '' WOW so Interesting!''

Narwhals create a sort of vacuum and suck up their food which includes Squid, Greenland Halibut, Shrimp, Arctic and Polar Cod, Rockfish, Flounder and Crabs. Narwhals do their eating at the ice floe edge and i the ice-free summer waters. Narwhals only have two residual teeth. The male Narwhal tusk is thought to play no role in feeding because male and tuskless females devour the same diet.

Oil and Gas expansions and climate change produce danger to Narwhals. Increased development means more shipping vessels, creating more occasions for collisions and more underwater noise that can interfere with communication among the Narwhals. Narwhals are often seen in groups of 15 to 20 of these majestic creatures, but Narwhal gatherings have about hundreds or even several thousands of Narwhals. Sometimes these groups of Narwhals get trapped by shifting pack ice and get killed by inuit hunters, Polar Bears, or Walruses.

So after telling you nearly everything there is to know about the legendary creature the Narwhal like what they look like, where their habitat is, what their diet is and the threats that Narwhals might face. So after all of that smarty stuff is all done I declare you a Narwhal expert Thank You and Goodbye!!!!!!

Written by: Angela Lumanglas
Rm: 4
Year: 6