Thursday, August 4, 2016



Narwhal Narwhals Swimming in the Ocean Causing a Commotion Cause they are so AWESOME!!!!!!!!
I bet after singing that song you're wondering ''What in the world is a Narwhal?!'' well I'll tell you so just sit back, relax and enjoy.

The Narwhal also known as the Unicorn of the sea have two teeth one grows to be a sword like, spiral tusk that grows to be 2.7 meters long, and the other tooth also known as the ivory tusk grows straight through the Narwhals upper lip and can grow to be 9 feet long. A Narwhal changes color as they age Newborns are a blue-gray an Adolescent id blue and black Adults are molten gray and old Narwhals are nearly all white, Narwhals also have compact eyes and a long ridge going down to their backs to their tails or ''flukes''.

Narwhals are a pale-colored porpoise found in Arctic Coastal water and rivers, they can also be found living in the cold waters of the Arctic Circle near Northern Canada, Greenland, Norway and Russia. Narwhals hibernate for up to five months under sea ice in the Baffin Bay-Davis area '' WOW so Interesting!''

Narwhals create a sort of vacuum and suck up their food which includes Squid, Greenland Halibut, Shrimp, Arctic and Polar Cod, Rockfish, Flounder and Crabs. Narwhals do their eating at the ice floe edge and i the ice-free summer waters. Narwhals only have two residual teeth. The male Narwhal tusk is thought to play no role in feeding because male and tuskless females devour the same diet.

Oil and Gas expansions and climate change produce danger to Narwhals. Increased development means more shipping vessels, creating more occasions for collisions and more underwater noise that can interfere with communication among the Narwhals. Narwhals are often seen in groups of 15 to 20 of these majestic creatures, but Narwhal gatherings have about hundreds or even several thousands of Narwhals. Sometimes these groups of Narwhals get trapped by shifting pack ice and get killed by inuit hunters, Polar Bears, or Walruses.

So after telling you nearly everything there is to know about the legendary creature the Narwhal like what they look like, where their habitat is, what their diet is and the threats that Narwhals might face. So after all of that smarty stuff is all done I declare you a Narwhal expert Thank You and Goodbye!!!!!!

Written by: Angela Lumanglas
Rm: 4
Year: 6

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