Sunday, April 2, 2017

Noah's Ark

In my opinion, I should be put on the ark, because I'm a magical creature that can provide food and fresh drinking water for you and the animals,so we all don’t die of starvation and dehydration.

I strongly believe, that I need a place on the ark because, I have a magical unicorn horn that can help me protect the other animals from terrifying sea creatures, like sharks and killer whales that are trying to destroy the ark or kill the animals for food, I can even put a powerful force field around the ark when there is a storm to stop the ark from tipping over like the titanic.

Most people would agree that I should definitely be on the ark, because when it’s a cold or windy night I can make a magical fire that will never go out so it will always be there to keep everyone nice and warm.

Image result for unicornFinally, my last reason is that … I’M JUST AWESOME! Like come on who wouldn’t want a unicorn as a companion to help cook food, be safe and even be warm on cold and windy nights.