Tuesday, November 15, 2016

The Majestic Tui

LG: To be able to write a report clearly including information we think will interest others.
Signs Of 
* To include an introduction, body and conclusion to my report
*Include subheadings
*Include descriptive verbs
*Include subject specific nouns
*Use present tense

The Majestic Tui

The Tui is a majestic creature that is endemic to New Zealand, endemic mean that it is native to this country. This bird is mostly found in the North Island or in a Kowhai tree munching on some flowers, it’s well known for is magnificent singing.

The Tui has beautiful blue colored feathers but they look black from certain angles and dull in normal lighting but in the sunshine their feathers glisten with green,purple and bronze, Tui’s also have dark brown eyes and 2 poi on their neck. The poi on the Tui’s neck aren't just balls of fluff but are actually 2 curled up feathers. Both genders are alike to recognize a male from a female is very difficult males are larger in size and females are
darker and lack neck tuff. A long time ago the early Europeans named the Tui a Parson’s bird because their poi reminded them of a Vicar’s collar.

The Tui’s diet depends on the seasonal availability of nectar and fruits. The Tui’s move frequently to good nectar sources like Puriri and Pohutukawa. In breeding season the Tui eats large invertebrates like cicadas and stick insects, in autumn they eat medium sized fruit Wineberries, Kaikomako, Mahoe, Ngaio, Rimu and Kahikatea. In winter they eat Flowering gums, Banksis, Puriri and Tree lucerne.

The Tui lives in the North and South Island of New Zealand and in Stewart, Chatham and the Poor Knights Island not many Tui’s live in the Poor knights Island because Tui’s and Bellbirds have to fight over the nectar and pollen. Tui’s also like to nest in Kowhai trees, small bushes and shaded areas, they also like to hang out near food and water suppliers.

Did you know that the length of an average sized Tui is 30 cm, and the weight of an average sized female is 90 kg and a male is 124 kgs.

Written By: Angela Lumanglas
Room: 4